Pink Rings

Pink Stone Rings- Pink Rings

Stone rings are a symbol of a promise and love. The stone is a good reflection of a couple’s commitment and depicts their style. In short, these rings have deep personal meaning. Also, there are a variety of stones that work for various occasions like engagements including pink stone rings.

The most common and well known traditional stone ring that has been used for a long time and in many generations is the diamond. This stone can be cut in various shapes and show the most glitter. The clear ones are the most common. So, this means that there are various colored stones which also bring a good balance between tradition and uniqueness.

Types of colored stone rings

Below is a list of different colored stone rings available:

  • Pink stone rings
  • Red stone rings
  • Green stone rings
  • Silver stone rings
  • Brown stone rings
  • Black stone rings

These stones are also available in cuts like heart shaped, brilliant, pear, princess and marquise cuts.

How to take care of pink stone rings

Many people believe that day to day hand washing adds a sparkle to their ring or is one of the fastest ways to clean their rings. However, this is not the case.

  • Prior to activities like applying lotion or using other chemicals like bleach, you should remove your ring as these chemicals can be very damaging to the rings and how it sparkles.
  • To avoid losing your ring, always place it in one particular place and take it off when you engage in activities like sports. This will ensure that your ring does not get damaged.
  • For your pink stone rings to maintain its original luster, try and clean at least once a week if need be. This will ensure that the rings remain bright and always sparkle.
  • In case, they are wet, use a clean piece of cloth to dry them instead of using air to dry them.

Cleaning your pink stone rings is very easy and can be done at home. One great tips that you could use include the use of other mild chemicals to clean your stone ring only when the stone is not cracked or broken. The use of such chemicals ensure a sparkle and that no damage will be caused on the stone or your ring and they include

  • Baking soda
  • Jewelry cleaning solutions which can be purchased at your local stores
  • Ammonia cleaning with warm water will help to bring out the color of your stone rings
  • Soap detergent and water cleaning to get rid of oils, lotions etc
  • Sulfuric acid cleaning. This method should be reserved as your last option and only when the ring is extremely dirty.
  • Use of steam and ultrasonic cleaning which is available at your jeweler’s

After you find your perfect pink stone rings, you could get more information on how to clean your precious metals to avoid spoiling them. Remember, there are many metals used to make rings.