Pink Rings

Pink Promise Rings - Pink Rings

When passing the message about a forthcoming commitment, it is wise to get a symbol that will stand as your proof. This will dispel all doubt about the legitimacy of your claims and it will help the person in understanding what you mean. Pink promise rings are ideal because the wearer will have the symbol close to remember your commitment. Instead of sending a letter or saying it verbally, get a ring to say it better. Since this color is attractive and appeals to the female gender, it stands as the appropriate shade for this purpose. If you plan on getting another ring for an engagement or possibly the wedding, you can go for the gemstones. They are unique, classy and you can get the right design. A heart shaped sapphire ring in 10K gold and 2/3 carat diamond will cost $ 100. This shape expresses your commitment well and she will understand and remember this.

How to choose the right pink promise rings

Consider the purpose you want it to serve and the amount of money you want to spend. If you want this symbol for a personal commitment, like you want it as a reminder to quit smoking or some bad habit, you do not have to go for the most expensive ring. This is because you may do away with it once you achieve your goal. It will also help you visit the stores that have favorable prices. If you want to give the ring to a lady as a commitment in your relationship, you might go for the classy designs and a higher price.

On the same note, it is important to go for the cheaper gemstones when choosing pink promise rings. For instance, a tourmaline ¾ ct diamond in 10k white gold goes for $ 480 while a sapphire ¾ ct diamond in 14k white gold costs $ 350. There are so many gemstones to choose from and the prices differ with the carats and the combination to make up the pink promise rings. If you find the design you want but the price is too high, you can ask for the same design in a different combination.

Pink promise rings can act as accessories

Think beyond the commitment. If you achieve your goal, the person who bears the ring can resell it or put it on as an accessory. If you are the one wearing it, think the alternative use. Therefore, choose a ring that will stand out for a long time. It should work with the wardrobe of the person and it should be durable. This means you should get it from a genuine jeweler to avoid a use or counterfeit ring. Consider the activities attended such as the parties and other accessories the person possesses. If the person loves diamonds and has most of the accessories in this stone, it is wise to go fir the same because it will blend in well. Pink promise rings serve a big purpose as a symbol of a commitment and they should stand out as a symbol of style and fashion sense.